FC/IRIS Transition: The Dane County Difference

With around 300 attendees at our event on January 31, 2017, we ran out of handouts pretty quickly. RSVPing for events is the best way to help us make sure we’ve got enough handouts and chairs for everyone attending. We want to make sure we’re able to provide space and materials for everyone who is able to attend and learn about this very important transition.

We plan to record each session in this learning series for those who aren’t able to attend, so if you can’t make one of the dates, do not panic!

Dane County Difference Paper

Dane Transition Timeline 1-31-17

Lynn Breedlove’s Presentation: Dane Transition – Brief Overview PPT Jan 2017

Kim Turner’s Presentation: Kim Turner 1-31-17

Chris Witt’s Presentation: Sample Schedule-Chris Witt 1-31-17

Axel Junker’s Presentation: Behavior and Phsycial health Axel Junker 1-31-17

Amanda Bell’s Presentation: Family Network PPT Amanda Bell 1-31-17

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