FC/IRIS Transition: Talking to ADRC, MCOs and ICAs

Overview and Handouts

At this event, families were given time to complete the linked worksheets, to help explain and describe your loved one’s support needs in more detail.

If your loved one currently lives at home with you, but would like to begin planning for moving out: Small group handout – Moving OUT

If your loved one lives in Supported Living in Dane County, and would like to remain where they are: Small group handout – Continuing SL

If your loved one receives Supported Employment services and would like to continue: Small group handout – Supported Employment

If your loved one needs services to support Community Integration activities: Small group handout – Community Integration

Lynn shared his FC/IRIS 101 Power Point: Dane Transition PPT 9 -17

Three reminders from Dennis Harkins:
1. There is no need to sign your enrollment form for IRIS, Family Care or Partnership until December 31 at the earliest. For some people that date will be even later, depending on their 2018 transition date. We encourage you to ask the ADRC what month in 2018 will be your transition month, and by what date you must sign your enrollment form.
2. Unless you are totally sure which program and which agency you wish to try, it is best to wait until after your first meeting with the ADRC to sign the enrollment form. You can then have further discussions with anyone who is important  to you as you make this decision. It is likely that you will have opportunities for more learning this fall as people begin making their choices and sharing their experiences with the ADRC and with the agency they select.
3. If you are interested in IRIS, it is important to know that if your initial IRIS Budget Estimate is less than the current cost of your needed services, you may still select IRIS and choose an IRIS Consultant Agency. That agency will help you create a plan to see if IRIS support and services can be adequately funded for you.
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